Thursday, August 16, 2012

Nice Guys Finish Last. I finish Second. 

I finished second in the P&E Reader's Poll 2011. It is the umpteenth time in the last few years that I have finished a contest in the top 5 or even exactly 2nd. I'm happy for this level of success but what will it take to really breakthrough? I came in 2nd in the Cervena Barva Chapbook Contest that comes with a publishing contest and a pretty healthy monetary prize with my book Glyphic. I am planning to either get Glyphic published very soon or self-publish it. Ten years have passed since I first started writing it and I'm done editing it. There's nothing more that can be done to it. It is as good as it's ever going to be, or at least as it will be in the near future. It's not like I'm writing for the money anyway, I just want people to read my writing -- and hopefully enjoy it!!

In non-writing related news, I came in 2nd in the Itaewon Money Tournament 2011 as well. I lost 2-1 in the final. Just one more high finish where I couldn't quite grab the gold.

Well, let's see what 2012 will bring. We're more than halfway into it and so far nothing special to report.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

New Poem -- 3 August 2012 -- Seoul

Learning to use chopsticks

it’s like a plastic egg-slicer.
i arrange the cheese and close the lid
it slices the perimeter of cheese
into even squares
while cutting a heart shape in the middle.
he grabs chopsticks from last night’s mandoo
and spears a piece of cheese
and lifts it to his mouth.
i clap at the success and he celebrates so hard
he shakes the booster seat

Oigan, Mexicanos!

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